Center for Contemporary Arts Santa Fe
Atomic Surplus was a multi-faceted project that examined what it means to live in the birthplace of the atomic bomb. Atomic Surplus consisted of a major group exhibition; a sub-exhibition of historic artworks; a film series; a lecture series; an essay-driven exhibition catalog; and online archive.
Through a multi-pronged approach and working with diverse partners, Atomic Surplus illustrated a diversity of perspectives on the nuclear legacy. The project not only referenced historical moments and regional connections, but used New Mexico and the WWII-era as a touchstone for looking at much more global and contemporary consequences.
Artists: Center for Land Use Interpretation, ChimÎPom, Peter Cusack, Nina Elder, Eric Lusito, Rankin & Dub Ainu Band, Vanessa Renwick, Bettina Samson, Jim Sanborn, Claudia X. Valdes, Greta Young, Luca Zanier as well as Tony Price and Ed Grothus, Megan Prelinger, and elements from the Los Alamos Historical Archive.
Atomic Surplus was funded by the National Endowment for the Arts.
PDF Catalog